Friday, June 20, 2014

Ag Room Cleanup

To get started for the new year, we asked for everyone to help clean and organize the ag classroom. For four days, members and friends scrubbed, mopped, and rearranged everything. It was hard work, and there were more than a few undesireable tasks. By the usual round of nose-goes our awesome secretary was selected to clean the fridge. It still smells; however, we thank her for her best attempt. Mopping was a problem as well, and we tried not to just rearrange the dirt (although it somewhat looks that way).
During breaks we deciphered Dr. Suess books, honked golf cart horns, and played card games. This as well as the cleaning, created wonderful memories for  everyone involved.
The fridge of doom!
Cheating? More like loosing so badly another person has to hold the cards xP

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Martinez Middle School Work Day

It's almost summer break! Usually, many people would be eager for a relaxing summer. Our chapter however will be busier than ever in the upcoming months, and working with our neighboring middle school's agriculture students is just the start.

Waking up bright and early, Steinbrenner FFA members volunteered to assist beautifying the Martinez campus by digging holes and planting shrubs. Skillfully evading quite a few pipes with their shovels, members ended the afternoon tired and dirty, yet satisfied with a job well done.
The day was a great experience to meet students who may be future members of our chapter. For those who will be joining us next year, we can't wait!

Let's Get This Thing Started!

Welcome to the Steinbrenner High School FFA blog! We are SO happy that you have taken the time to see what we have accomplished and hopefully learn more about the FFA while you are doing it!

To keep a chapter running requires hard work and dedication, and the members who are up to the challenge benefit greatly. To an involved member, a chapter can become akin to a second home, and bestow upon them positive qualities and memories they will have for the rest of their life. The National FFA Organization promotes premier leadership, personal growth and career success. From this blog, we hope you can see our members grow to become successful, well-rounded leaders of the future.