Saturday, August 23, 2014

Land Lab Work Day

Only one week into school and already, members are working hard! This Saturday, we had a great turn out of parents and students to help with maintaining the Land Lab. Some tasks included weed whacking, sweeping, weeding, and clearing the pens.
From 8 to 12 everyone worked very hard, and for that we are greatful. Many safety hazards are now fixed, which will make the area more accessible to students in ag classes needing hands-on experience in the field. Participating members can also turn in volunteer sheets to the main office, which will help with the Bright Futures community service requirement. Finally, nominated by previous AG teacher Ms. Compton, the officer team participated in the ice bucket challenge, raising ALS awareness. We can't wait to see our nominees (all area 5 FFA chapters) complete the challenge!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Freshman Orientation Summer Camp

The new school year is quickly approaching! One critical goal of our chapter for the incoming year is to encourage new students to join. While anyone can join at any time, the best potential new members are those just entering high school. To get word about the FFA and agriculture program out to students, two members volunteered their time at Steinbrenner's freshman orientation camp.

Utilizing public speaking skills, chapter chaplain Alex Brockhum and reporter Emily Casper spoke to this year's new ninth grade class. Topics included the different agriculture classes available, what animals can be raised, what a career development is and its real world applications, and what the FFA is and what it teaches. Tours were led to visit the classrooms and greenhouses, and additional information was given about how FFA comes into play around the school and what it does on campus. To see students raise their hand considering joining was a very satisfying experience, as well as evidence of a job well done.